June 30, 2006

Good Old Bird Flu

Looking for information about the mistery of the sudden dissappearance of the danger of the avian flu pandemia, I casually bumped into a very interesting and add-on information on why it appeared in the first place.

I´ll leave a couple of links, because it would be pointless to just rewrite. You can find many more pages talking about that. These I leave are not the best detailed ones, but easier and faster to read and to get a notion of who has been making profits from our fear. If your brain itches, look for more facts, there are plenty.


Of course, one could argue that as well as some say that the avian flu threat was false information, this data about Rumsfeld might be as well false. Of course, we cannot get inside people's minds and check who is right, so one must take the verificable facts, put them together and draw his own opinion about what is trully going on. Now let's collect the verifiable information we've gathered. (Watch out! I don't say that the avian flu doesn't exist, or that there is no risk at all, what a part of the scientific comunity says, is that there is no more threat than with so many other viruses.)

  • Last year, we received a bombarment of media, for several moths, warning that there was a possibility that 1.2 billion could die from the bird flu pandemia.
  • Bombardment from the media stopped. With time, nobody mentions the bird flu again.
  • No vacune or effective cure has been found.
  • Since it was identyfied as a threat, (not discovered) 9 years ago, only around a 100-160 people have died.
From this facts, I draw my conclusions. Yours, of course, might differ. If we know the threat of the virus for nine years; and if that virus is not specially lethal; and suddenly last year the whole world exploded with fear that the pandemia was around the corner, then I must assume one of two things: Either they have discovered relevant information last year worsening the situation, or there must be some other reason for the bombardment of the new. If that relevant information existed, it would have been shared, therefore I can only think there must be a hidden interest. Let´s continue.

Bombardment from the media stopped, but no cure or solution has been found. This means that either the danger has vanished by itself, or that there was no danger. The first conclusion doesn't seem appropriate, I stick to the second.

More facts:
  • Tamiflu was the only medicament against the virus.
  • Rumsfeld is a major shareholder of Gilead Sciences Inc. a was its president years ago.
  • Gilead Sciences bought the patent for Tamiflu from Roche.
  • Tamiflu is crushed aniseed, and Roche controls 90% of the worlds production of aniseed.
  • Rumsfeld is part of the american government, which told the world about Tamiflu.

Putting this together it becomes obvious that for Rumsfeld and friends, it would be profitable to have an avian flu threat. From $254 million in 2004 to more than $1,000 million in 2005, that is how much. Join this conclusions with the ones above, and you'll discover, like I did that we are ignorants. The truth might have been modified. And it might have been modified for ever. And we bough it.

These leaves us with the feeling that we are not much more than cattle. We are told were to walk by, where to eat, where to sleep, and we just do it. Is it really that easy to manipulate us? No if we don't cooperate. Inform yourselves. Get your own conlusions. And use the power that knowledge gives you to make changes. How? Spreading the world, choosing better next elections, founding your own party, letting them know that you know what they are doing. From my point of view, the most important action at this point, is spreading the word. Making more and more people aware that they are being lied to systematically. Hopefully, one day enough people will be aware.

And we will be able to make a change. Or may be not, but at least, you will know what is really happening.

More people has taken the chance and is making money off this. They are not to blame for the lie, but is shows to what degree a big lie is able to produce benefits:

Whoever this is
Of course, drug industry
Standard package anti-bird flu.
And many more...

The News Business

Not so long ago, the whole world was in red alert because of the inminent threat of pandemia by the H5N1 virus, the bird flu. For several months the bird flu invaded our media every single day; newspapers, magazines, tv news, documentaries, virtually each and every piece of media was infected by the bird flu, even recipes magazines explained how it was or wasn´t a risk to eat chiken. Fear spreaded through the world, and many people was geting ready for the flu that was going to kill 1.2 billion human beings.

But time passed, and as we started to get used to live with one more fear in our lives, the number of entries in the media about the bird flu gradually diminish. It diminished in such subtle manner, that I hadn't even thought about it util a couple of weeks ago. I asked myself, How is it possible that a such an apocaliptic danger can be just forgotten? People don't talk about it anymore. No news come out anymore. Why? I couldn´t understand. I cannot believe that one day we were on the verge of loosing 1/5 of the worlds population and the next, nobody would remember. I and many more people, arrived to a conclusion.

Corporative mass media were probably having a lack of news at the time, or not even that, they just took a chance to boost their incomes. They made all the profit they could while they could keep the fear level high enough, selling us magazines, giving us documentaries and shows to watch, etc., and they simply moved on to other news. This leaves another question. Are we so short-memory, simple minded and manipulable? I don´t think we are so dumb to believe that such a threat can appear and dissapear in a second. What really happens is that they take good care to worry our minds, and occupy the space one new was taking with another. And we just don´t remember. We just don´t think about it again. They are just playing with our emotions. We have to become good players to be able to see their bluffs. How? Finding our own information.

But, could there be any more reasons for the avian flu media bombardment? Did anyone else make profit out of this? Absolutely yes. We´ll discuss this next.

Welcome to Docta Ignorantia

Welcome to Docta Ignorantia.

The name of this blog, wise ignorance, is a way of referring to the same philosophy that Socrates believed in, summarized by his historical statement "I only know that I don't know anything". It represents the socratic principle of accepting ones ignorance to begin to learn what´s real. We live in an ignorant world, among ignorant people, and ignorants we are.

There is no shame in it, it is just a fact. But is the one and only fact that a person must recognize, to start thinking by himself. It is no easy task though. We live in a world previewed, viewed and edited by corporative mass media and every piece of information that we get has been picked, bitten and chewed, and our only part is to swallow it and digest it. Constant choking and indigestion has caused me to write these lines.
Through this blog, I intend to encourage the search of your own personal interpretation and evaluation of the world around us. I will try my best to show you that there is a whole new world to discover and understand, different from the one you are used to perceive. In a few words, I will try to make you face your own ignorance, as well as my own. I will try to give you your own tabula rasa to start writting on it. Once this objective is achieved, if it is ever achieved, the responsability to create your own knowledge will be yours.

Of course, I am not in possession ot the truth. I will just offer other possibilities of truth available. Many times I will offer my point of view, some others it will b
e an alternative one, worth of only some attention, not our believing.
Most of the times I will not be able to provide you substantial proofs of the facts I will discuss. There are three possible reasons for this:

1- It is not true.
2- Every proof has being eliminated, undermined or I wasn't efficient enough finding it..
3- It is merely a theory.

Again, this is because I don't intend to give you the truth, but to show that the truth itself is not so clear. Hopefully, we will get closer to it together.

I hope you find this blog stimulating and brain itching.

I beg you pardon for any grammar mistakes, english is my second language.