June 30, 2006

Welcome to Docta Ignorantia

Welcome to Docta Ignorantia.

The name of this blog, wise ignorance, is a way of referring to the same philosophy that Socrates believed in, summarized by his historical statement "I only know that I don't know anything". It represents the socratic principle of accepting ones ignorance to begin to learn what´s real. We live in an ignorant world, among ignorant people, and ignorants we are.

There is no shame in it, it is just a fact. But is the one and only fact that a person must recognize, to start thinking by himself. It is no easy task though. We live in a world previewed, viewed and edited by corporative mass media and every piece of information that we get has been picked, bitten and chewed, and our only part is to swallow it and digest it. Constant choking and indigestion has caused me to write these lines.
Through this blog, I intend to encourage the search of your own personal interpretation and evaluation of the world around us. I will try my best to show you that there is a whole new world to discover and understand, different from the one you are used to perceive. In a few words, I will try to make you face your own ignorance, as well as my own. I will try to give you your own tabula rasa to start writting on it. Once this objective is achieved, if it is ever achieved, the responsability to create your own knowledge will be yours.

Of course, I am not in possession ot the truth. I will just offer other possibilities of truth available. Many times I will offer my point of view, some others it will b
e an alternative one, worth of only some attention, not our believing.
Most of the times I will not be able to provide you substantial proofs of the facts I will discuss. There are three possible reasons for this:

1- It is not true.
2- Every proof has being eliminated, undermined or I wasn't efficient enough finding it..
3- It is merely a theory.

Again, this is because I don't intend to give you the truth, but to show that the truth itself is not so clear. Hopefully, we will get closer to it together.

I hope you find this blog stimulating and brain itching.

I beg you pardon for any grammar mistakes, english is my second language.

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